
Parent Care

Stamford American takes an inclusive approach to involving parents in their children’s lives on campus. There are several ways you can be a part of your child’s learning journey:

Visit our on-campus Community Engagement Team and get your questions answered in person. Our Community Engagement specialists are available Monday to Friday, 8 am to 5 pm at Woodleigh and the Early Learning Village.

Join our Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and help in building strong relationships between parents and teachers. You’ll also find it a great way to meet and connect with other parents who are new to Singapore. Our PTA is very active in organizing events and charitable activities that keep the school spirit alive. You can look forward to new friendships and many opportunities to engage meaningfully with the Stamford community.

Come to our regular parent information sessions, where parents and the community discuss happenings and questions at Stamford.

Connect with teachers through See Saw for Early Learning Village and Elementary School and ManageBac for Secondary School. These are online portals that let you easily communicate with your child’s teachers.

Engage with other parents at the Stamford Cafés, all designed with parents in mind. Take a break and enjoy some food, drink and connection to the community.